With the two crows gone, the third and final crow was all alone in the forest...would he see the other crows again? Was it safe to stay in the forest by himself? He flew to the top of the tallest tree in the woods to think. He pondered - would it be easier to find a home here, with the other crows gone? Or would it be better to leave these woods these like the other crows and search for a home somewhere else?
Paul S Schernitzki
6/30/2014 11:36:12 am
Hmmmm...that's a good question...I've mixed and matched so much I have no idea what's what! The only clue I can offer is that I know it is newer and it's a double - it has a face on the back (a smiling-just did something bad face). Any shots I take of Will from the back I have to switch it out for a blank yellow one!
6/30/2014 06:34:33 pm
Found it!
Paul S Schernitzki
6/30/2014 08:00:32 pm
That's it!!!
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